Smart Home Project

There are 1602LCD display, 2 buttons, 1 servo on the board. Press button1 to enter the password(you can set password in the test code), the 1602LCD will show “*”, then press button2 to “ensure”. 


In the previous projects, we introduce how to use sensors, modules and HM-10 Bluetooth module. For this lesson, we will perform all functions We will achieve the effect as follows:

  • Photocell sensor, PIR motion sensor and LED. When at night, someone passes by, LED is on; nobody is around, the LED is off.Ks008532.png
  • There are 1602LCD display, 2 buttons, 1 servo on the board. Press button1 to enter the password(you can set password in the test code), the 1602LCD will show “*”, then press button2 to “ensure”. If the password is correct, the 1602LCD will show “open”, the door will be open. However, if the password is wrong, the “error” pops up , after 2s, “error” will turn into “again” , you can enter password again.

The door will be closed when PIR motion sensor doesn’t detect people around. What’s more, press and hold button2, buzzer will sound, LCD displays “wait”.(If the password is right, the servo will rotate to 180°, otherwise,the servo don’t rotate)

Note: The correct password is ”. – – . – .” which means that short press button1, long press button1, long press button1, short press button1, long press button1, short press button1.

”- ”means long press button1, ”.”means short press button1

  • Insert soil humidity into plant pot, when the soil is too dry, buzzer will alarm and you will get the notification on app. 0085=78.png
  • When the gas sensor detects the gas with high concentration, the buzzer emits a “tick,tick” alarm sound.Ks008545.png
  • When steam sensor detects rains, the servo 2 will be activated, the window will be closed automatically, otherwise, the window will be open. 0085=80.png



Connection Diagram:


Test Code:


Test Code:

//call the relevant library file
#include <Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
//Set the communication address of I2C to 0x27, display 16 characters every line, two lines in total
LiquidCrystal_I2C mylcd(0x27, 16, 2);//set ports of two servos to digital 9 and 10
Servo servo_10;
Servo servo_9;volatile int btn1_num;//set variable btn1_num
volatile int btn2_num;//set variable btn2_num
volatile int button1;//set variable button1
volatile int button2;//set variable button2
String fans_char;//string type variable fans_char
volatile int fans_val;//set variable fans_char
volatile int flag;//set variable flag
volatile int flag2;//set variable flag2
volatile int flag3;//set variable flag3
volatile int gas;//set variable gas
volatile int infrar;//set variable infrar
String led2;//string type variable led2
volatile int light;//set variable light
String pass;//string type variable pass
String passwd;//string type variable passwdString servo1;//string type variable servo1
volatile int servo1_angle;//set variable light
String servo2;//string type variable servo2
volatile int servo2_angle;//set variable servo2_anglevolatile int soil;//set variable soil
volatile int val;//set variable val
volatile int value_led2;//set variable value_led2
volatile int water;//set variable waterint length;
int tonepin = 3; //set the signal end of passive buzzer to digital 3
//define name of every sound frequency
#define D0 -1
#define D1 262
#define D2 293
#define D3 329
#define D4 349
#define D5 392
#define D6 440
#define D7 494
#define M1 523
#define M2 586
#define M3 658
#define M4 697
#define M5 783
#define M6 879
#define M7 987
#define H1 1045
#define H2 1171
#define H3 1316
#define H4 1393
#define H5 1563
#define H6 1755
#define H7 1971#define WHOLE 1
#define HALF 0.5
#define QUARTER 0.25
#define EIGHTH 0.25
#define SIXTEENTH 0.625//set sound play frequency
int tune[] =
{M3, M3, M4, M5,M5, M4, M3, M2,M1, M1, M2, M3,M3, M2, M2,M3, M3, M4, M5,M5, M4, M3, M2,M1, M1, M2, M3,M2, M1, M1,M2, M2, M3, M1,M2, M3, M4, M3, M1,M2, M3, M4, M3, M2,M1, M2, D5, D0,M3, M3, M4, M5,M5, M4, M3, M4, M2,M1, M1, M2, M3,M2, M1, M1
};//set music beat
float durt[] =
{1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1,1 + 0.5, 0.5, 1 + 1,1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1,1 + 0.5, 0.5, 1 + 1,1, 1, 1, 1,1, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1,1, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5,1, 1, 1, 1,1 + 0.5, 0.5, 1 + 1,
};void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);//set baud rate to 9600mylcd.init();mylcd.backlight();//initialize LCD//LCD shows "passcord:" at first row and columnmylcd.setCursor(1 - 1, 1 - 1);mylcd.print("passcord:");servo_9.attach(9);//make servo connect to digital 9servo_10.attach(10);//make servo connect to digital 10servo_9.write(0);//set servo connected digital 9 to 0°servo_10.write(0);//set servo connected digital 10 to 0°delay(300);pinMode(7, OUTPUT);//set digital 7 to outputpinMode(6, OUTPUT);//set digital 6 to outputdigitalWrite(7, HIGH); //set digital 7 to high leveldigitalWrite(6, HIGH); //set digital 6 to high levelpinMode(4, INPUT);//set digital 4 to inputpinMode(8, INPUT);//set digital 8 to inputpinMode(2, INPUT);//set digital 2 to inputpinMode(3, OUTPUT);//set digital 3 to outputpinMode(A0, INPUT);//set A0 to inputpinMode(A1, INPUT);//set A1 to inputpinMode(13, OUTPUT);//set digital 13 to inputpinMode(A3, INPUT);//set A3 to inputpinMode(A2, INPUT);//set A2 to inputpinMode(12, OUTPUT);//set digital 12 to outputpinMode(5, OUTPUT);//set digital 5 to outputpinMode(3, OUTPUT);//set digital 3 to outputlength = sizeof(tune) / sizeof(tune[0]); //set the value of length
}void loop() {auto_sensor();if (Serial.available() > 0) //serial reads the characters{val =;//set val to character read by serialSerial.println(val);//output val character in new linespwm_control();}switch (val) {case 'a'://if val is character 'a',program will circulatedigitalWrite(13, HIGH); //set digital 13 to high level,LEDlights upbreak;//exit loopcase 'b'://if val is character 'b',program will circulatedigitalWrite(13, LOW); //Set digital 13 to low level, LED is offbreak;//exit loopcase 'c'://if val is character 'c',program will circulatedigitalWrite(12, HIGH); //set digital 12 to high level,NO of relay is connected to COMbreak;//exit loopcase 'd'://if val is character 'd',program will circulatedigitalWrite(12, LOW); //set digital 12 to low level,NO of relay is disconnected to COMbreak;//exit loopcase 'e'://if val is character 'e',program will circulatemusic1();//play birthday songbreak;//exit loopcase 'f'://if val is character 'f',program will circulatemusic2();//play ode to joy songbreak;//exit loopcase 'g'://if val is character 'g',program will circulatenoTone(3);//set digital 3 to stop playing musicbreak;//exit loopcase 'h'://if val is character 'h',program will circulateSerial.println(light);//output the value of variable light in new linesdelay(100);break;//exit loopcase 'i'://if val is character 'i',program will circulateSerial.println(gas);//output the value of variable gas in new linesdelay(100);break;//exit loopcase 'j'://if val is character 'j',program will circulateSerial.println(soil);//output the value of variable soil in new linesdelay(100);break;//exit loopcase 'k'://if val is character 'k',program will circulateSerial.println(water);//output the value of variable water in new linesdelay(100);break;//exit loopcase 'l'://if val is character 'l',program will circulateservo_9.write(180);//set servo connected to digital 9 to 180°delay(500);break;//exit loopcase 'm'://if val is character 'm',program will circulateservo_9.write(0);;//set servo connected to digital 9 to 0°delay(500);break;//exit loopcase 'n'://if val is character 'n',program will circulateservo_10.write(180);//set servo connected to digital 10 to 180°delay(500);break;//exit loopcase 'o'://if val is character 'o',program will circulateservo_10.write(0);//set servo connected to digital 10 to 0°delay(500);break;//exit loopcase 'p'://if val is character 'p',program will circulatedigitalWrite(5, HIGH); //set digital 5 to high level, LED is onbreak;//exit loopcase 'q'://if val is character 'q',program will circulatedigitalWrite(5, LOW); // set digital 5 to low level, LED is offbreak;//exit loopcase 'r'://if val is character 'r',program will circulatedigitalWrite(7, LOW);digitalWrite(6, HIGH); //fan rotates anticlockwise at the fastest speedbreak;//exit loopcase 's'://if val is character 's',program will circulatedigitalWrite(7, LOW);digitalWrite(6, LOW); //fan stops rotatingbreak;//exit loop}
}////////////////////////set birthday song//////////////////////////////////
void birthday()
{tone(3, 294); //digital 3 outputs 294HZ sounddelay(250);//delay in 250mstone(3, 440);delay(250);tone(3, 392);delay(250);tone(3, 532);delay(250);tone(3, 494);delay(500);tone(3, 392);delay(250);tone(3, 440);delay(250);tone(3, 392);delay(250);tone(3, 587);delay(250);tone(3, 532);delay(500);tone(3, 392);delay(250);tone(3, 784);delay(250);tone(3, 659);delay(250);tone(3, 532);delay(250);tone(3, 494);delay(250);tone(3, 440);delay(250);tone(3, 698);delay(375);tone(3, 659);delay(250);tone(3, 532);delay(250);tone(3, 587);delay(250);tone(3, 532);delay(500);
}//detect gas
void auto_sensor() {gas = analogRead(A0);//assign the analog value of A0 to gasif (gas > 700) {
//if variable gas>700flag = 1;//set variable flag to 1while (flag == 1)//if flag is 1, program will circulate{Serial.println("danger");//output "danger" in new linestone(3, 440);delay(125);delay(100);noTone(3);delay(100);tone(3, 440);delay(125);delay(100);noTone(3);delay(300);gas = analogRead(A0);//gas analog the value of A0 to gasif (gas < 100)//if variable gas is less than 100{flag = 0;//set variable flag to 0break;//exit loop exist to loop}}} else//otherwise{noTone(3);// digital 3 stops playing music}light = analogRead(A1);////Assign the analog value of A1 to lightif (light < 300)//if variable light is less than 300{infrar = digitalRead(2);//assign the value of digital 2 to infrarSerial.println(infrar);//output the value of variable infrar in new linesif (infrar == 1)// if variable infra is 1{digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //set digital 13 to high level, LED is on} else//Otherwise{digitalWrite(13, LOW); //set digital 13 to low level, LED is off}}water = analogRead(A3);//assign the analog value of A3 to variable waterif (water > 800)// if variable water is larger than 800{flag2 = 1;//if variable flag 2 to 1while (flag2 == 1)// if flag2 is 1, program will circulate{Serial.println("rain");//output "rain" in new linesservo_10.write(180);// set the servo connected to digital 10 to 180°delay(300);//delay in 300msdelay(100);water = analogRead(A3);;//assign the analog value of A3 to variable waterif (water < 30)// if variable water is less than 30{flag2 = 0;// set flag2 to 0break;//exit loop}}} else//Otherwise{if (val != 'u' && val != 'n')//if val is not equivalent 'u' either 'n'{servo_10.write(0);//set servo connected to digital 10 to 0°delay(10);}}soil = analogRead(A2);//assign the analog value of A2 to variable soilif (soil > 50)// if variable soil is greater than 50{flag3 = 1;//set flag3 to 1while (flag3 == 1)//If set flag3 to 1, program will circulate{Serial.println("hydropenia ");//output "hydropenia " in new linestone(3, 440);delay(125);delay(100);noTone(3);delay(100);tone(3, 440);delay(125);delay(100);noTone(3);//digital 3 stops playing sounddelay(300);soil = analogRead(A2);//Assign the analog value of A2 to variable soilif (soil < 10)//If variable soil<10{flag3 = 0;//set flag3 to 0break;//exit loop}}} else//Otherwise{noTone(3);//set digital 3 to stop playing music}door();//run subroutine
}void door() {button1 = digitalRead(4);// assign the value of digital 4 to button1button2 = digitalRead(8);//assign the value of digital 8 to button2if (button1 == 0)//if variablebutton1 is 0{delay(10);//delay in 10mswhile (button1 == 0) //if variablebutton1 is 0,program will circulate{button1 = digitalRead(4);// assign the value of digital 4 to button1btn1_num = btn1_num + 1;//variable btn1_num plus 1delay(100);// delay in 100ms}}if (btn1_num >= 1 && btn1_num < 5) //1≤if variablebtn1_num<5{Serial.print(".");Serial.print("");passwd = String(passwd) + String(".");//set passwdpass = String(pass) + String(".");//set pass//LCD shows pass at the first row and columnmylcd.setCursor(1 - 1, 2 - 1);mylcd.print(pass);}if (btn1_num >= 5)//if variablebtn1_num ≥5{Serial.print("-");passwd = String(passwd) + String("-");//Set passwdpass = String(pass) + String("-");//set pass//LCD shows pass at the first row and columnmylcd.setCursor(1 - 1, 2 - 1);mylcd.print(pass);}if (button2 == 0) //if variablebutton2 is 0{delay(10);if (button2 == 0)//if variablebutton2 is 0{if (passwd == ".--.-.")//if passwd is ".--.-."{mylcd.clear();//clear LCD screen//LCD shows "open!" at first character on second rowmylcd.setCursor(1 - 1, 2 - 1);mylcd.print("open!");servo_9.write(100);//set servo connected to digital 9 to 100°delay(300);delay(5000);passwd = "";pass = "";mylcd.clear();//clear LCD screen//LCD shows "password:"at first character on first rowmylcd.setCursor(1 - 1, 1 - 1);mylcd.print("password:");} else //Otherwise{mylcd.clear();//clear LCD screen//LCD shows "error!"at first character on first rowmylcd.setCursor(1 - 1, 1 - 1);mylcd.print("error!");passwd = "";pass = "";delay(2000);//LCD shows "again" at first character on first rowmylcd.setCursor(1 - 1, 1 - 1);mylcd.print("again");}}}infrar = digitalRead(2);//assign the value of digital 2 to infrarif (infrar == 0 && (val != 'l' && val != 't'))//if variable infrar is 0 and val is not 'l' either 't'{servo_9.write(0);//set servo connected to digital 9 to 0°delay(50);}if (button2 == 0)//if variablebutton2 is 0{delay(10);while (button2 == 0) //if variablebutton2 is 0,program will circulate{button2 = digitalRead(8);//assign the value of digital 8 to button2btn2_num = btn2_num + 1;//variable btn2_num plus 1delay(100);if (btn2_num >= 15)//if variablebtn2_num ≥15{tone(3, 532);delay(125);mylcd.clear();//clear LCD screen//LCD shows "password:" at the first character on first rowmylcd.setCursor(1 - 1, 1 - 1);mylcd.print("password:");//LCD shows "wait" at the first character on first rowmylcd.setCursor(1 - 1, 1 - 1);mylcd.print("wait");} else//Otherwise{noTone(3);//digital 3 stops playing music}}}btn1_num = 0;//set btn1_num to 0btn2_num = 0;//set btn2_num to 0
}// Birthday song
void music1() {birthday();
//Ode to joy
void music2() {Ode_to_Joy();
void Ode_to_Joy()//play Ode to joy song
{for (int x = 0; x < length; x++){tone(tonepin, tune[x]);delay(300 * durt[x]);}
}//PWM control
void pwm_control() {switch (val){case 't'://if val is 't',program will circulateservo1 = Serial.readStringUntil('#');servo1_angle = String(servo1).toInt();servo_9.write(servo1_angle);//set the angle of servo connected to digital 9 to servo1_angledelay(300);break;//exit loopcase 'u'://if val is 'u',program will circulateservo2 = Serial.readStringUntil('#');servo2_angle = String(servo2).toInt();servo_10.write(servo2_angle);//set the angle of servo connected to digital 10 to servo2_angledelay(300);break;//exit loopcase 'v'://if val is 'v',program will circulateled2 = Serial.readStringUntil('#');value_led2 = String(led2).toInt();analogWrite(5, value_led2); //PWM value of digital 5 is value_led2break;//exit loopcase 'w'://if val is 'w',program will circulatefans_char = Serial.readStringUntil('#');fans_val = String(fans_char).toInt();digitalWrite(7, LOW);analogWrite(6, fans_val); //set PWM value of digital 6 to fans_val,the larger the value, the faster the fanbreak;//exit loop}

Upload the code and see the result!

Note: Remove the Bluetooth module please, when uploading the test code. Otherwise, the program will fail to upload. Connect the Bluetooth and Bluetooth module to pair after uploading the test code.

Test Result

Upload the test code, stack expansion board on PLUS control board, and power on. After pairing and connecting Bluetooth successfully, we can control the smart home through app.