DroneBlock Graphical Programming course for Drones

Scratch Tutorials




Getting Started with Mixly

Download Mixly Software


Arduino Tutorials

Smart Home Kit 


Project 1: Lighting System
Project 2: Light Control System
Project 3: Alarm System
Project 4: Rain Detection System
Project 5: Solar Power System
Project 6: Smart Feeding System
Project 7: Temperature Control System
Project 8: Soil Humidity Monitoring System
Project 9: Water Level Monitoring System
Project 10: Auto-Irrigation System
Project 11: WIFI Control Smart Farm
Project 12: APP Control Smart Farm

Smart Farm Kit



Smart Feeding


Scratch Tutorials

Scratch video tutorial

Video tutorial Chanel

Drawing Basic Geometrical Shapes and Complex patterns using Scratch Pen Tool

Android & iOS graphical programming tutorials

Video tutorial Mit app inventor 1

Video tutorial Mit app inventor 2

Video tutorial Mit app inventor 3

Talk to Me (Part 1)

Talk to Me (Part 2)

Hello Codi!

Ball Bounce

Digital Doodle 

More Tutorials

Python Tutorials

Python Classes and Objects

Python – OOP Concepts

Python OOPs Concepts

Python OOP

JavaScript  Object Oriented Tutorials

Object Oriented JavaScript

JavaScript Class Syntax

JavaScript OOPs